They can birth a dream, change one’s destiny or heal a soul. We tell the ones our ancestors told, the ones about kingdoms in the motherland, survival on the middle passage and of slavery and freedom. We also tell the ones our mamas told and our grandfathers told. We tell the stories of a beautiful, vibrant and diverse people, stories that make you laugh, cry, weep, moan, and shout; stories about us. And from Anansi Spider to Brer Rabbit to John the Conqueror and the stories we’ve heard from the back seat of our grandmama’s car–we’ve got story.
The Blackstorytelling League of Rochester encourages every one to find their story and pass it on!
Ancient lessons for contemporary times
We, the members of the Blackstorytelling League of Rochester, consider it an honor and an obligation to pass along Blackstorytelling whenever we can. We share our Blackstories at community locations throughout the region and beyond, as well as at our annual festival—”Pass It On: Intergenerational Stories and Wisdom for Today.”
Again, welcome. May your journey through this website be beneficial and enlightening.